Sunday, August 19, 2012


Routines are necessary.  And so often their foe is an interruption.  But what if God is the culprit behind some of those interruptions?

This morning in the midst of our routine, something caught my eye.  I watched as the trees' shadows danced on the kitchen wall behind me.  It was ever so striking.  I could not draw myself away.  The way their leaves moved in rhythm with the mornings gentle breeze.  The way the sun hung just so to cast these shadows.  My heart swelled as I held back tears.   

In our home, we call these God sightings (thanks to this year's VBS "Fly").  The evidence of Him is all around us but He has a way of getting my attention with little gifts to remind me that He is there. He is always speaking and listening.  

Thank you, God, that you are teaching me a different way to be moved by interruptions.   

And to think if I had not stopped then I would have missed it.  Five minutes later this sight could no longer be seen.

Isaiah 55:12 
You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.

I imagine this is what those trees where doing!

May your day, today, be full of worship for He is worthy of all!  May you be reminded that God does speak through interruptions.  And He is faithful to teach us how to slow and rightly respond to them. 

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