entries from 1990's

  •  February 1996
 As time passes
and appearances change
you have to look
with the eyes of the father
and find the worth
he's placed in you
only if you could see
what he see
when he looks at you
you'd find you are more
than you think you are
from where he's seated
he's had his hand on you
and he's called you forth as
a woman of wisdom
a woman of beauty
a woman of truth
for where you see
failure, weakness and rebuke
he's imparting
victory, strength and love too
so remember
look with the eyes of the father
and see all the worth
he's placed in you

  • January 1996

You share one heart
A heart that seeks Me
one that desires Me
and the things of Me
above all else

That's what joins you
that's what brings you together
for it creates unity

One looks at the other
and sees God
and the vast potenial
He has planted
in their spirit

Because of that one heart
you lift each other up
you call forth the unseen
and you speak forth the promise

You bring glimpses of God's
divine anointing and design
into each others life

You share one heart
For a purpose
I wouldn't leave you incomplete

  • June 1995
I can't hold on
  but I can't let go.
it all seems so twisted
  so really unfair
complexity has it's way
  of taking over and
  speaking its mind
you can't win, you can't lose
  so just leave it all behind
I wish when it all came down,
  it were that easy
  but my heart tells me there's more
  much, much more
things that have to be confronted
  dealt with and cleared
It speaks to me stop running
  face your feelings
  face your fears
let them be known
let them be addressed
And in time things will be sane
  all will make sense.

  • May 1995
I don't want to be
just another name
or another face

I don't want to be lost
but without a crown
or without bearing my cross

I want to be victorious
and strong

I want to walk with the righteous
not just tag along

I want to be a man
of means and purpose
a man of stature

I want to experience
all the greatness of God
disposing of my old
sinful nature

"In the end"

I want to hear His voice say
well done
my good and faithful child
come forth
step my way
great is your reward
for your choice to obey

  • February 1995
Is this the way things go
This the way it should be
I have no clue
There's no answers
Everything's so incomplete
I can't seem to get past the memories
They're to much a part of me
Can I stand with you
Without them
Or will they forever haunt me
Are they just memories
Or what I wish could still be
Can I find the answers
Or will things always be so incomplete

  • 1989-1990
As I gaze into the mirror
I stop and ask myself what do I see
Do I see a person conformed to this world
or a person with a heart and a soul
reflecting his fruits, apart of his fold
I stop and think for a moment
knowing what I should see
So I look once again
then turn my back
to the image staring back at me
But this time I
take it one step further
I pray dear lord
the next time I gaze into this mirror
let me be the person
you long for me to be

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