Thursday, July 23, 2009

I feel asleep last night with a very thought provoking statement in my mind. I awoke this morning with a remembrance of this thought but could not get it to formulate in my mind once again. I asked the holy spirit to bring it to my remembrance. He did. This is that statement.

"Emotions are a powerful tool if brought under submission of the rule and reign of our King."

What follows are the thoughts that transpired from this statement.

How else can you be lead by compassion or be sensitive to the spirit? To shut down is to shut off your connection with God. You can't experience intimacy if you can't feel anything. And to be overly sensitive is to be rendered powerless. You have given away your authority.

If emotions were not meant to be an instrumental part of our lives, why have so many suffered attacks in this very area of their lives? We have to learn to control them so they do not control us. We have to bring them under submission with the truth, the word of God. Only then will we find balance and be affective or more affective in the kingdom of God.

You can't be lead by emotion and lead of the Spirit. One will always control the other.

It's not an easy lesson to learn. I'm sure everyone carries a lot of their own battle scars from this very issue. It starts out as a thought that was provoked by a feeling/emotion and if not under submission it threatens every aspect of our lives.

If things in our lives are not what we think or know they should be, then this is a great place to start and evaluate "Why do I feel the way I do?" I bet most of it, if not all, will not have any truth to it. It will not line up with His truth and what He thinks and feels about you.

The lies we believe. Why is it so much easier to believe a lie than it is the truth? And if you think that it's easier to just not feel anything at all, I'm here to tell you that the hurt and the pain that you have encountered is not greater than all the benefits of His love for you. I would rather endure hell and receive the benefits of His love for me than to not feel anything at all. His love and the benefits of it are more than worth it.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Storms of life....

The onset or presence of a storm brings/prompts anxiety and fear. We tend to concentrate on the bad, the things that promote fear. We look to assess the possible damage that may occur and we prepare an escape route. We seek higher ground. We look for our own means of shelter. We fear the elements and the disaster they may bring.

We never seem to pause and acknowledge that God knows what He's doing. That He commands and controls the elements. We fail to see the positives that come with a storm because we are to focused on the disruption it will bring to our lives.

I'm learning to welcome the storms in my life, knowing that God will sustain me. That He is wanting my attention and desires to work something in me.

Storms bring the elements of wind and rain, forceful wind and pounding rain. The kind that hurts as it comes in contact with your flesh. These two elements work together to strip away, to reveal roots and foundations. The good and the bad. Sometimes there is an uprooting that takes place. Storms cause the strong to recognize their strengths and the weak to acknowledge their weakness. They prepare the ground for new life, causing things to grow in what was once barren land. It's a time of cleansing and refreshing, a time of renewing and refilling wells that had once run dry. Storms were meant to bring change to the landscape and the atmosphere.

In His love and goodness He is causing something beautiful to be revealed. And for that reason, I will dance in the midst of the storm.

Friday, January 16, 2009

A mother's perspective...

I'm staring at a load of clean dishes in the dishwasher and I can't seem to stop the tears from flowing, this morning. Oh, the magnitude of such a simple task. You see I didn't load these nor did I wash them. But Emma, in her quiet way, chose to be moved by her love for me. She chose to let her actions speak louder than words. You see, I usually load them and she unloads because she doesn't see any value in having a system of order to complete a task. This morning everything was so meticulously placed that it was obvious she had listened to my instructions. They had taken on meaning to her now. She wasn't ordered or coaxed or even asked to complete this task.

It may seem like a small meaningless feat, but in my mind and in my heart it represents a fruition of things I've tried to instill in her. Love, respect, honor, selflessness and service. And I'm undone by this.

No good deed goes unnoticed, not even the small ones!